Friends & Family
Wandern - TST
Friends & Family   

updated: 16.09.2006

Sabine and the City
 (Reports from NYC)                                           translation    
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15 September 2006  - The "Non-find" of the week

My partly creative translations lead sometimes to involuntary funny scenes. Two days ago when I asked Kevin, the best of all administrators, whether he could find a "plunger" for me. He looked at me asking what my intention was. I explained to him that I needed the instrument to make holes into the paper in order to be able to file them in a binder. That is a "Puncher" he explained to me laughing, the tool which I first was asking for is usually used for working on clogged toilets. He then asked how this thing is called in German? Mmmmh, good question. The Dictionary translated plunger with suction bell (Saug-Glocke), which I would use less in connection with clogged toilets rather than with assisting at a birth  (Kevin again was convulsed with laughter, probably imagining us using a plunger for birth assistance). Anyway - I am looking for the correct German word for the instrument with a  wooden handle and a rubber bell (rubber elevation pumping sucker?) used in connection with  clogged Toilets. I am quite frustrated, not even finding English words but not knowing the German ones either. ...
Please help .... Kevin and I are waiting for your suggestions, Sabine

back to babelfish translation      back to german version

And Martin already sent feedback: Explanation of Plunger in English and German